EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Jew, Jews cannot see their ceremonies are meaningless now 1SM 239    [57]
       what will remove veil from 1SM 239
    mission to Jerusalem in 1850‘s to convert, erroneous ideas re EW 75
    noble and God-fearing, God’s pity for AA 379-80
       have seen Israel’s true Messiah in Christ AA 380
    not cut off as individuals from blessings and hope of salvation AA 27-8, 375-8;EW 213;GC 378;
    not won to Christ by argument alone AA 409;SR 245;
    salvation for, today AA 376-82
    remnant of, in God’s plan for last days PK 298-300
       will be saved AA 376-82;PK 309-10;
    salvation of, work will be done for AA 380-2
    scattered among nations like wrecks on desert shore AA 379;GC 21;MB 120;
    some, mighty in Scriptures as was Saul of Tarsus AA 381
    special work to be done for, in closing of gospel work AA 381
    strange that few Christians have burden for Ev 578
    veil that is upon hearts of 1BC 1110;6BC 1096;
    Wolff’s (Joseph) labors among GC 360-1
    See also Israelite