EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Jewish nation abused God’s mercy more than 1,000 years DA 584    [58]
    significance of condition of, since death of Christ DA 739
    souls will be saved from Ev 579
    symbol of people of all ages who scorn pleadings of God’s love DA 587
    under Rome, was paying penalty of apostasy from God DA 602
    verging on revolution when John the Baptist was born DA 104
    See also Israel
    ambition had deluded, when Jesus came LHU 135.2
    angels could not tell, of Christ’s advent; separated from God Mar 11.3
       seen by some, as Son of God, but pride prevented surrender 1MCP 324.4
       not seen by, in ceremonies UL 161.3
       rejected by,
although He had led them in travels TDG 31.3
and were cut off as a nation UL 309.3
       was knocking on heart doors of LHU 17.8
    Christ’s lessons misunderstood by; minds prejudiced 3SM 82.2
    errors of, about first advent infatuated people LHU 135.3
    fulfilled Scripture by misapplying prophecies UL 368.3
    kingdom taken from UL 131.3
    made the repository of God’s knowledge UL 232.3