EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    disappointed bitterly in results of his mission DA 216
    dwelt far above miasma of jealousy DA 179
    educators represented, as ignorant CT 446;FE 448;
    Elijah not greater than DA 225;MH 478;
    Enoch not greater than DA 225;MH 478;
    faithful preachers must bear more pointed testimony than did 1T 321
    filled with Spirit from birth DA 512;3T 62;4T 108;
    imprisonment and death of, caused many people to doubt his mission DA 411
       Christ’s disciples disappointed by DA 249, 526;MH 56;
    looked upon King in His beauty 8T 331
    men like, God calls for GW 150;PK 142;
    martyrdom of, example to persons suffering death afterwards for Christ DA 224;Ed 157-8;
    Messianic expectations of DA 103
    mind of, closed to mass of Jewish traditions CT 445;FE 447;
       Spirit illuminated DA 220
    mission of DA 100, 150;2SM 147-8;
       all Israel stirred by DA 144
       attested by miracle and prophecy DA 44
       how Christ set His seal upon DA 178
       kept before him from his childhood CT 446