EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    nature studied by CC 270.5
    people startled and made to tremble by VSS 358.2
    Pharisees and Sadducees came to TDG 197.2
    power of, charmed Jewish leaders; but not convinced TDG 197.3
    preacher of righteousness, fearless TDG 197.2
    preaching of, concerned Satan Con 28.3
    “Repent” was message of TDG 370.3
    self-denial easier for, in the wilderness CC 270.4
    spirit of, stirred when he saw Jesus LHU 33.6
    thought to be the Messiah UL 308.3
    work of,
       compared to that of last days Mar 22.3;RC 201.4;UL 308.4;
       encouraged by Holy Spirit CC 270.5