EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Judgment (mental)   [173]
       close and careful study of Scriptures produces ML 24
       erroneous speculations that tend to confuse 2SM 15
       faith gives 6T 472
       God’s work needs men of MYP 65
       gospel workers should be persons of EW 98
       Israel’s 70 elders were to be men of AA 94
       knowledge of God gives men TM 210
       leader of med. institution should be man of 4T 546-7
       men of, needed in positions of responsibility Te 268
       never narrow in its workings 5T 563
       zeal should be balanced by LS 214
    student’s, teacher should not control FE 58
    superior, men who exalt themselves as persons of TM 364
    superstitions that confuse 2SM 224-5
    training plants and flowers improves 4T 136
    true religion sanctifies CH 629;PP 600;2T 252;
    truth sanctifies 1T 216, 415
    unbiased, needed in considering questions and subjects that are new and ever liable to rise 2T 129-30
    unimpaired, person whom God will reward with AH 302;ML 147;MYP 244;
    unprofitable reading spoils 9T 43