EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Knowledge ability to rightly use, is necessary MH 450;ML 111;    [318]
       by partaking of the divine nature HP 29.2
       to all who want it, 1MCP 105.2
God wants people to think 1MCP 226.6
       to children of God, explained by Paul OHC 365.4
       to the humble who search for God’s will TMK 126.4
    capacity for, increases with application OHC 261.3
    character formation for heaven is purpose of OHC 35.6
    choice to accept, from God UL 47.4
       taught actions as well as TDG 108.2
       was the treasure house of UL 80.2
    Christian alone can make right use of 1MCP 16.3
    cleanness of heart more valuable than Mar 63.6
    contentment without more 1MCP 101.3
    depths of, as gifts UL 379.3
    destructive power of, in hands of the enemy OHC 309.3
    displaying, exalting self by TDG 132.2
       may become ours; study Christ’s teaching 1MCP 185.3
       progress in, adding graces through Christ 1MCP 94.3