EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Language (speech)   [323]
    powers of, reason should control Ev 668
    prayer should be offered in simple, clear, and distinct 6T 383
    profane, avoid person who uses AH 48
    proper habits of, parents should train children to COL 337
    propriety of, God demands of gospel workers Ev 629
    pure and correct, accustom yourself to use COL 336
    pure in, how Timothy was kept AA 203
    purity and nobleness of, nobleness of character is revealed by Ed 237
       purity of heart is revealed by Ed 237
    purity in, constantly practice AH 16;SD 316;
       parents should manifest 7T 186
    purity of, Christ’s disciples were noted for DA 712
       witness for Christ by MH 156
    rash, irreparable breach created by Rehoboam’s PK 91
    ready, Moses pleaded lack of PP 254;3SG 192;
       will not convert one soul 1T 380
    refined in, co-operation with Christ makes people CT 100
       students should become FE 464
    refinement of, people who will lose all love of WM 254
    respect in, cultivate ML 84