EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Language (speech)   [323]
       in public prayer 6T 383
       ministers may be proficient in TM 194
    vulgar and abusive, husband who uses AH 348
    vulgarity of, vitiated heart indicated by AH 422
    Waldensian children were taught to be guarded in GC 67
    what to learn re, in school of Christ COL 337-8
    wife should be guarded in CG 24
    See also Enunciation; Evilspeaking; Gossip; Pronunciation; Public speaking; Sermon; Speech; Tale-bearing; Voice; Voice culture; Word
    ability in, needed by workers in word and doctrine VSS 176.2
    error of impatient speech in RC 292.7
    exaggerated, See Exaggeration
    feeble in explaining the Father’s love TMK 338.5
    flowers have, reminding us of the Giver TDG 241.3
    force of, given by angels to reach souls TDG 115.4
    heartache of Jesus is beyond TMK 66.2
    heavenly, world is our school for forming TDG 96.2
    mild and circumspect, from one representing Christ TMK 185.3
    refinement of, love of Jesus always leads to TMK 198.2
    salvation (gift of) cannot be described by TDG 176.2