EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Laodicean message 2SG 222-30;1SM 357-8;1T 141-6;    [77]
    call to accept 2T 216-7
    Christ’s condescension in giving 2T 224
    church members tested individually by 1T 187
    church’s condition portrayed by 7BC 961;5T 101;
    class who will not receive 3T 258
    class whose condition is described by EW 107-8;5T 682;
    designed to arouse God’s people 2SG 224
       from dangerous deception 3T 259
       to action and confession of sins 3T 259
       to zealous repentance and putting away sin 2SG 224;3T 260;
    duration of, not short 2SG 224-5;1T 186-7;
    each person can have experience for himself in 1T 165
    encouragement brought to backslidden church by 7BC 966
    first presentation of, results of 2SG 224-5;1T 186;
    full of encouragement 7BC 966
    Gen. Conf. of 1893 received TM 23
    God would restore by means of TM 23
    God’s people found by, honest in deception 3T 253
    God’s purpose in giving TM 23
       is not to lead brother to judge brother 2SG 223