EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law, Laws   [1230]
    permission to violate, God does not give MYP 236
    physician should observe MH 134
    pregnant women should give close attention to AH 259;CH 79;2SM 432;
    preserve your health by ceasing to transgress CD 85;CH 37;
    privilege and sacred duty to understand ML 148
    seek health by living in conformity with MM 13
    solemn injunction of Te 164-5
    strictly regard every Te 213
    students should obey COL 108
    study MH 128, 147
       in order to preserve health PP 601
    teachers should become acquainted with FE 59
    violation of: as truly a sin as breaking Ten Commandments CD 17;CH 39-40;2T 70;
       breathing poisonous air is 2SM 458
       children should be taught that they must pay penalty in suffering for CT 126;FE 160;
       Christ is not respected by injury done to your body in CD 43
       creation of perverted appetite is CD 161;3T 63;
       deplorable results of CD 121;2SM 441;
       disease caused by 2T 94
       excessive labor as 1T 477