EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law, Laws   [1230]
    habits of eating, dressing, and sleeping should be in accord with 3T 138
    habits should be made to conform to 3T 69
    man’s only safety is to live in strict conformity to Te 60
    ministers should educate themselves to speak according to 4T 404
    mother should acquaint herself with CH 39
    mothers should be instructed re 2SM 466
    obeying: be champions in favor of 2SM 226
       co-operate with God by MH 176-7
       eat and dress with simplicity in 3T 51
    physicians warned not to disregard CH 361;MH 135;
    promise implied in every MH 114;5T 445;
    students’ employment and amusement should be regulated with reference to 3T 142
    students’ habits should be in accord with FE 146
    violation of: God’s law is transgressed by CD 43
       is contrary to Bible Te 147
       is transgression of moral law COL 347
       large share of sickness is caused by CH 49
       many professed Christians live in MYP 238
       parents’, affects future generations Te 174
       people who indulge appetite will feel penalty of CD 161