EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law, Laws   [1230]
       premature death as result of CH 19
       puts violator out of harmony with universe Ed 100
       retribution follows MM 264;3T 486;
       suffering as consequence of CH 19, 49;3T 139;
    with which husband and father should be acquainted MH 373
    See also Sections 4, 9, 15, and 17, above
19. State
    conform to, in all things possible 9T 238
    law of God is above 1T 201-2
    obey, when they do not conflict with God’s law 9T 238
    SDA med. students should be trained to meet tests specified by CT 479;FE 490;
    time is coming when obedience to God will be punished by GC 459
    what to do when claims of, conflict with those of God’s law SL 38
    when Sunday observance in obedience to, will be opposition to God GC 605
    will conflict with God’s law GC 459
    See also Sections 2, 5, and 8, above
20. Miscellaneous
    all righteous and good, Decalogue is foundation of 1T 361
    anarchy seeks to sweep away all Ed 228
    arbitrary, graces of character are not developed by Ed 237