EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law, Laws   [1230]
    Christ’s grace enables man to obey MH 115
    Christian is controlled by MYP 95
    condemning blasphemers to death PP 408
    designed for man’s good MH 146
    designed to bring His people closer to Himself 5T 445
    each, is enactment of mercy, love, and saving power 3BC 1153
    erroneous idea that God is restricted by His own FE 329;GC 525;PP 114;
    erroneous idea that operation of, can exclude divine freedom GC 525
       promise of God that is 7BC 947
    established: all your habits should conform to CD 56
       cannot be violated with impunity MM 223
       for the good of all mankind MH 113
    eternal, that he who accepts truth must proclaim it 7T 13;TM 290;
    Father is fountain of all GC 479
    for presentation of first-born sons, particularly significant DA 51
    founded in most immutable rectitude SD 267
    framed to promote happiness of persons who keep them SD 267
    given by Christ for man’s good, sick people should be taught how to study CH 221
    given for cultivation of soil 1BC 1112
    given for government of man flow from heart of infinite love 2SM 217