EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law, Laws   [1230]
    given in nature and revelation, teach children to obey Te 157
    given to govern all human intelligences CG 506
    given to Israel: better than those of most civilized nations PP 465
       call attention to MH 114
       guarded interests of the needy WM 217
    God can work in harmony with PP 114
    God does not annul Ed 148;PP 114;
    God does not work contrary to Ed 148;PP 114;
    God gave, for benefit of the poor PP 536
    God has, that He has instituted MM 9
    God has given men, by which to live Te 281
    God is now as jealous for, as in days of Elijah PK 185
    God made, to govern man’s existence CH 19-20;3T 139;
    God of nature is not restricted by FE 329;MM 91;
    God placed man under PP 49
    God saves men under a 1SM 377
    good and just, God is head of Te 48
    governing all living things, Christ made DA 516
    governing events of life are to control men Ed 103
    governing God’s people are received from Him through His word and Spirit 5T 270