EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law of God   [2151]
    not given to prevent soul’s salvation 4T 345
    not holiness created 1BC 1104
    not so many separate precepts DA 607
    only correct standard of character Ev 620;SD 51;2SM 127;
    only infallible rule for regulation of conduct 5T 417
    only reliable code of honor between man and man 5T 417
    only standard by which men can estimate divine affection 1SM 311
    only standard for testing character 2SM 50
    only standard of holiness GC 472
    only thing by which men can know whether they are obeying God or not 1SM 315
    only true standard of moral perfection SL 80
    ordained to ensure men’s happiness, peace, and eternal good 7BC 915
    ordained to life 6BC 1094;7BC 915;1SM 237;
    perfect holiness SD 51
    perfect rule of life AA 505
    pledge of eternal life to the obedient Ed 77
    preserver of true freedom and liberty Ed 291
    prohibits things that degrade and enslave Ed 291
    promises life to the obedient GC 467