EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law of God   [2151]
    unanswerable argument re, Christ’s death as 1SM 323
    Wesley (John) taught GC 262
12. In New Testament times
    allegiance to, Christ came to bring men to 1SM 229
    beauty and excellence of, Christ’s life revealed CT 62
    character of: Christ made plain CT 34;DA 24;
       Christ was living representation of MB 49
    Christ bore curse of, suffering its penalty for man 6BC 1096
    Christ came not to destroy but to fulfill 1SM 312
    Christ came to: exalt 6BC 1097;7BC 935;DA 206;PK 693;1SM 302;
       explain relation of, to man DA 308
       fulfill every specification of FE 385
       magnify, and make it honorable DA 308
       vindicate 4T 59
    Christ condemned men who disobey, and teach others to do so DA 308-9
    Christ defended, against Jewish traditions DA 397
    Christ defined, in Sermon on Mount FE 238
    Christ demonstrated that men may keep TM 226
    Christ did not abolish DA 287;2SG 274;
    Christ did not die to abolish TM 134