EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law of God   [2151]
    nature of, Christ came to manifest Ed 76
    New Testament has not changed SL 68
    not abolished at cross PP 70
    not altered or abrogated by Christ’s death COL 314;EW 216-7;
    not crucified with Christ 6BC 1116
    obedience to: Christ came to redeem men by living life of AA 207
       Christ gave men example of AA 505
       Christ lived life of 8T 26
       Christ presented blessings of DA 450
       Christ set before men perfect example of SD 61
       Christ showed that man could render 4T 294;8T 208;
       Christ’s death did not put end to 1SM 312
    obscurities of, teachers of Christ’s time dwelt upon FE 236
    observance of, made heavy burden by Jewish priests and rulers PK 709
    opposition to, Christ accused of MB 47
       in early church AA 553
    Paul did not preach on, at first in working for Gentiles Ev 230
    Paul ever exalted AA 393
    Paul kept, in spirit as well as in letter AA 190
    Paul’s manner of presenting, to Gentiles 6BC 1089