EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law of God   [2151]
       price paid for redemption FLB 354.5
efficacy of divine sacrifice FLB 104.9
through Christ’s sacrifice TMK 96.2
when Christ accepts us 3SM 191.2
       suffered by Christ providing grace to keep it RC 53.5
       transgressor may be protected from FLB 104.3
    perfection, lack of, is transgression of TMK 131.2
    perfection of,
       contested when Christ came TDG 14.2
       motivates seeker after truth UL 238.6
       seen by beholding Christ HP 64.4
       seen in character of His people TDG 71.2
    perpetuity of, seen in character of Christ TMK 366.4
    perverted by Satan to misrepresent God; (precepts) HP 146.3
    plan of redemption said to abolish TMK 256.4
    points people to Christ who points them back to it OHC 138.6
    powerful UL 30.3
    practiced when truth abides in the heart UL 213.3
    practices not in conflict with, should be accepted Mar 177.2;2MCP 560.1;