EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Leprosy   [60]
    terrible case of DA 262-7
    unnaturally white and scaly surface peculiar to MH 69
    Uzziah smitten with, on forehead PK 304
2. Figurative
    moral, contagious 5T 327
       things that fill world with AH 329;FE 320;
    of covetousness 4BC 1149
    of dissension, cure for 2SM 160
    of selfishness 4BC 1149;1SM 115;3T 521;4T 562;
       has taken hold of church CS 85
       soul needs to be cleansed from 1SM 115
       cannot be cleansed by human power DA 266;MH 70;
       Christ alone can heal 6T 279
       Christ can heal DA 351;MH 106;WM 297-8;
       seek complete recovery from ML 176
    of strife, cure for 2SM 160
    of unbelief, man’s service made weak and inefficient by 8T 46
    See also Leper
    compared with selfishness OHC 191.4