EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    man has no control over his 1SM 296
    man obtains, from God only MM 275
    man owes, to Christ’s death DA 660
    man whose, was sacrificed unnecessarily to bad cooking 2T 370
       was spared through Christ’s pleading 2T 421
    man’s: is derived from Christ MM 7
       is not eternal or immortal 5BC 1130;1SM 296;
       is something that Giver takes back again to Himself MM 7
    man’s wisdom and skill cannot produce, in smallest object of nature SC 67
    men living nearest to God sacrifice, rather than commit wrong act COL 160
    millions of, will be sacrificed in coming tempest MYP 89
    motion is not necessarily Ev 116-7
    must be: carefully preserved and developed COL 348
       exercised in harmony with God’s will Ed 99-100
    mysterious: brings bud to blossom and flower to fruit Ed 99
       lives in insect atom floating in summer breeze Ed 99
       pervades all nature Ed 99
       sustains unnumbered worlds throughout immensity Ed 99
    mystery of, science cannot explain MH 414;8T 258;
    natural: not sustained by direct miracle AA 284