EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
       God will accept, use and sustain UL 243.3
       revealing character from Christ is our only need TDG 255.7
    humility and obedience in, result from Jesus’ love in heart TDG 299.2
    immortal, See Life, eternal
    imperishable, live, while hiding life in God TMK 59.5
    improvement of, Christ provides the longing for 3SM 198.3
    incomplete while ignorant of house we live in (the body) 1MCP 195.2
    individually developed and beautified when consecrated 2MCP 426.2
    influence of, greater than influence of words TDG 146.5;TSB 82.2;
    influence on,
       by glory from heaven; world fades from view LHU 252.3
       of Spirit of God not felt important by Bro. P 3SM 146.1
       of truth; youth TMK 200.3
       (sanctifying) of truth TMK 268.4
    inheriting HP 263.3
       God reads TMK 255.5
       truth must be implanted in UL 213.4
    integrity in all details of RC 272
    internal change in, revealed in external actions OHC 72.3