EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
       declared at baptism AG 150.4
       love of Christ animates believer with TDG 88.3
       Spirit of God produces OHC 113.3
       takes possession of consecrated ones UL 66.5
       tell about Christ’s love and righteousness for 3SM 184.3
    nobility shown in, from influence of truth OHC 208.7
    nobler, our great need HP 61.2
    novels rob energy to face problems of HP 215.4
    obedience brings; children are to be impressed LHU 160.6
    obedient, shines UL 50.5
    object of,
       doing good,
not for honor here OHC 242.4
prayer for unselfishness TDG 280.3
       eating and drinking made OHC 79.3
       enlargement of the kingdom of Christ RY 114.2;TSB 33.2;
       living for next world; better purpose TDG 280.3
       securing kingdom of heaven TMK 90.3
       to secure eternal life, not temporal advantages FLB 30.5
    older workers to have secure retirement in which to share, experience TDG 363.5