EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
       (power); older one not to overwork RY 124.2
       in Word of God for every circumstance of 2MCP 784.1;OHC 36.4;
       introduced into, by the Holy Spirit TDG 48.2
       (new) of, planted in the soul TMK 336.5
    private, truth must sanctify; God sees secret acts 1MCP 239.0
    privileges and opportunities of, end when life ends OHC 187.5
    problems of, courtesy and golden rule help RC 189.8
    prolonged by pure food for the mind 1MCP 358.1
    promise of when cloud of vengeance reveals writing of God LHU 249.4
    prosperity in all of, Word of God vital for FLB 7.3
    purification of, needed to honor Christ TDG 73.2
    purity of,
       by eating bread of life and drinking of salvation TDG 150.4
       by faith in Saviour, brings understanding of God TDG 272.3
       by new birth FLB 96.4
       by the Holy Spirit TDG 281.3
       gospel principles are expressed in TDG 352.3
       indicates closeness to Jesus; so does happiness RC 107.6
       repentance and faith required for Con 73.2