EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    record of, individually consider LHU 325.2
    redeeming power of truth revealed by HP 237.2
    refined with pure thoughts and sanctification of the Spirit 1MCP 366.0
    reform of,
       (amended, fruits for repentance) required by God TDG 197.5
       is a ransomed life better employed HP 221.3
       now to be ready for Christ’s coming Mar 55.2
       seen to prepare for translation LHU 301.3
    relations of, prosper with teachings of the Word of God HP 135.2
    relationship of, toward God and others FLB 30.4
       brought to everyday, by Christ TMK 43.4
       extends to all of LYL 69.3
       gives stamina for OHC 333.3
       in little and large things of TMK 157.3
       is great business of RC 295.3
    religion of Christ to rule in RC 186.2
    religious, See Life, spiritual
    responsibility of, not fully comprehended TMK 88.2
    results of, never neutral FLB 30.4