EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
       power for trial from inward TDG 142.3
       prosperity endangers UL 259.2
       purity required for UL 174.3
       revealed by action TMK 133.5
       revealed in those doing service for Christ TDG 244.6
       science of, we can know HP 43.6, 187.2
       spreads to others 1MCP 186.0
       strength to be maintained in OHC 279
       surrendering to God’s will through Christ RC 130.2
       tilling process in, disabling to unsubmissive TMK 281.2
       to be uplifting, fragrant with good words and works RC 284.3
       uncertain with unhealthful stomach and liver 2MCP 407.2
       urging not required of those filled with RC 197.5
       valued less than impression on others TMK 133.3
       with obedience and love gives spiritual power TDG 142.5
       Word of God sustains HP 134.5;LHU 261.4;
       yields what the world seeks 2MCP 404.1
       See also Experience; Pulse, spiritual
    stained, sinner may look on, free by Christ’s forgiveness TMK 336.5
    strength for grace in, available for us as for Bible heros RC 307.7