EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    struggles of, power of Christ is hope in RC 304.6
    studies which are not practical for 1MCP 195.1
    subject to God’s call OHC 287.5
    success in,
       attention to little things makes OHC 227.5
       or failure depends much on thought discipline 2MCP 630.1
       See also Life, usefulness in
    sustained every moment by God RC 138.5
    talent which God has committed to our care FLB 30.3
    teachings of Christ woven into minister’s, shown in his teaching 1MCP 185.3
    temporal, See Life, earthly
    temptations come because of depravity in TDG 99.3
    tenor of, compared with the Word HP 132.2
    threatening of, messengers to go elsewhere when met with 3SM 420.1
       added to, to work out our salvation and help others RC 152.6
       comparison of, with life of God, See Life, parallel
       See also Life, moments of; Life, earthly
    train at home for; angels will help 1MCP 179.3
    treatment sought to prolong; spiritual help important, too 2MCP 409