EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
    ever press toward FE 188-9
    every act of resistance against, makes it harder to yield TM 73-4
    every ray of, received by world comes through Christ Ed 73
       testifies to God’s forbearance and love COL 301-2
    everyone connected with God imparts, to others ChS 21
    expect to receive more, as you walk in light 5T 486
    extremist whose, shone in manner that caused men to reject it in disgust 2T 389
    failure to impart, results of ChS 21
    failure to walk in, results in spiritual weakness 2T 123
       warning re TM 90-1
    falls from heaven upon us as we pray for help to resist temptation DA 113
    false: entering wedge used by Satan to propagate 5T 292
       how Satan works on minds of creators of 5T 292
       Satan will cause everything to appear in PP 635
       will deceive many souls for a time 8T 194
    fate that awaits persons who reject, for this time 3T 380
    feeble and sickly beams of, believers who shed forth ChS 21
    flash, upon people in darkness 9T 208
    flash of, how Scriptures give new meaning as MB 20
    flashing of, into hearts DA 164