EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
       leaders’ rejection of supposed, causes some to turn from them 3SM 409.5
       old truth will be revealed in, if accepted in God’s way TDG 314.5
       patient under morphine was thought to be receiving Mar 233.4
       righteousness of Christ connected with the law was not, in 1888 3SM 168.3
       separating influence of supposed 3SM 409
       Spirit of Prophecy helps avoid error being received as TDG 126.2
       test, before it is presented to the flock of God 3SM 403.1
       (yet) to shine forth from the law and the gospel TDG 314.2
       See also Light, greater
       to, blessings become a curse without UL 373.2
       obligation to walk in, not being fulfilled TDG 50.3
       (willing) brings HP 183.2
    obscuring, fearing the loss of prestige UL 171.2
    openings for heavenly, closed by mind on earthly TDG 87.4
    organization of SDA work received; it should be considered CET 192.1
       affected by our neglect of OHC 297.5
       given, as Christ’s life is relived in us TMK 235.5
       given, by our right living TMK 186.2