EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
    praise Him who called us into OHC 86.5
       for wisdom to let, shine to lost souls TMK 158.4
       to allow shining of clear UL 21.5
    preciousness of, lost if not appreciated TMK 87.2
    preparation for,
       and reflect it to others FW 59.2
       through Scripture study, prayer, and faith OHC 315.5
    press to, when truth is seen; have a living experience FW 78.1
    pretended, of the last days UL 262.2
    punishment according to refusal of UL 196.6
    pure, need of reformation seen more as we approach AG 311.5
    questioning any ray of, is dangerous TDG 52.3
    radiates all around when you abide in God’s presence HP 161.6
    receivers of, to pray and help God
       against hindering powers RC 201.3
       and imparting it,
capacity increased TDG 303.4
essential to spiritual experience TDG 147.4