EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
       when time and strength are consecrated to God RC 167.2
    sin in face of; judgments in store 3SM 418.3
    souls brought to, Ellen White learned about God’s work in TDG 76.2
    souls filled with,
       from studying the Word of God OHC 36.5
       when temptation is resisted HP 231.6
    souls would receive, if consecrated Mar 249.3
    source of,
       Christ is to be TMK 341.3
       open heavens is the only HP 39.4
       blocked by carelessness about light on health RC 152.5
       hopelessness without TMK 82.2
    spread by people of God’s appointment TDG 282.2
    stand where we reflect UL 64.5
    steady, glorifies God; light of Christ is never dim TDG 364.2
    stones in God’s temple must emit; permit polishing TMK 150.4
    straight line in advancement of, given to Ellen White 3SM 74.1
    strength from,
       for conflict with Satan FLB 225.6