EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
       God’s people are to be, to world 8T 46
       ministers as God’s GW 13-4
    cherishing, results of EW 249
    children of, followers of Christ are 1T 405-6
    choosing darkness rather than, result of DA 588
    Christ deals with men according to, they have 2T 74
    Christ enjoins us to let our, shine forth to men 5T 75
    Christ fills His ministers with AA 586
    Christ is, and no darkness at all is in Him 1T 405
    Christ is man’s only source of MB 39
    Christ’s sacrifice carries, to all who make Him their personal Saviour 1SM 299
    Christian who would enjoy, must increase his efforts to bring truth to others 3T 381
    church members taking course entirely contrary to, church’s duty to TM 449
    church’s duty to shed, on all who sit in darkness MB 42
    churches refusing, of first angel’s message fell from God’s favor EW 237
    clearer, obtained through prayerful study 5T 708
    clearest, persons who are blessed with 5T 700
    closing eyes to: danger of TM 70
       for fear you shall see your wrong 2T 70
       indulgence of baser passions leads to 2T 352