EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    mind stamped with image of, by the cross LHU 252.4
    ministering ones to be shown; not just for favorites 2MCP 576.3
    money cannot buy TMK 83.2
       faith would mean more HP 173.5
       than exchange of nice words with God’s help AG 115.5
       than human,
by the influence of Christ UL 28.5
humanity partaking of divinity 3SM 240.0
    mother to admonish children to, as Christ has loved them TDG 39.3
       for sick child is like God’s love SW 12.0
       stronger than death but God’s love is stronger TDG 230.5
    nature study awakens OHC 250.3
    need to show, instead of brooding about adversary TDG 121.5
       for power UL 238.2
       to rebuke powers of darkness UL 289.3
    obedience of, gives spiritual power RC 129.3
    ocean of, in the God of our Salvation TMK 338.3