EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    restful, known by studying God’s character Mar 76.2
    restriction of,
       neglecting those who need it OHC 259.2
       to only a few is selfishness OHC 231.2
       to only those who love you TMK 298.3
    results of VSS 146.2
    revealed in pangs of Christ’s anguish TMK 369.4
    revived (quickened) by going often to the cross OHC 361.2
    sacred sentiment that few understand LYL 36.4;TSB 21.2;
       brings, into the life HP 31.4
       for God and neighbor FLB 120.6
       substitutes undeserving objects for our HP 218.4
       works to prevent UL 271.2
    selective, See Love, restriction of
       not to taint texture of OHC 176.6
       replaced, by disobedience RC 51.6
       that corrupts church and society uprooted by AG 124.3