EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    melting, ministers need to manifest TM 151
    melting power of WM 83
    melts and subdues hearts Ev 248;1SM 181;
    melts sinner’s heart SD 22
    millions of human beings have never heard of, for them DA 640;MH 104;
    minister should speak from heart made soft and sympathetic by TM 154
    ministers are to represent 6T 413
    ministers should manifest, in home life GW 205
    more effective than sword in reforming evildoer MH 106
    mother’s love represents, to child DA 515
    must be: abiding principle in soul 6T 52
       kept fresh in our memory DA 660
       motive of all effort CSW 52
       unselfishly manifested by us to others 5T 170
    mysterious, Christians should reflect GW 29;2T 215;
    mystery of Calvary’s, angels desire to look into FE 198
    needed in heart 6BC 1100;COL 384;7T 266;
    no gift of, withheld from Judas Iscariot Ed 92
    no language can express, in giving Himself to save sinners 2T 215
    no selfishness in 5BC 1140