EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    reproof should be offered in GW 499-500
    rest by faith in TM 346
    rest in 8T 124
       when assailed by temptation or surrounded by care, perplexity, and darkness MH 250
    resting confidingly in, results of MH 488
    revealed: in character makes His followers light of world MB 39-40
       to us makes us debtors to all who do not know Him SC 81
    riches and, cannot dwell in same heart 2SG 243
    sacrifice and, measureless and incomputable 4T 119
    saving purity of, seek to gather souls from corruption of world into 7T 21
    scorner of, message for DA 588
    self and its peculiarities are not exhibited when, is abiding principle in soul 6T 52
    self-sacrificing, is revealed on cross 9T 254
       they drink deepest of spirit of, who stand nearest to Him AA 543
    shadow of, turn from life’s dusty and heated thoroughfare to rest in 7T 69
    should abide in: man’s heart as sweet fragrance CT 197
       soul temple as sweet fragrance FE 262
    should burn on altar of His people’s hearts 5T 158
    should constrain us to work for salvation of the lost FE 206
    should flow through your life MH 156