EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    burns like sacred fire on altar of true disciple’s heart AA 334
    can meet veriest sinner’s case 3T 193
    cannot be received into heart until envious feelings, hatred, jealousies, and evil surmisings are put away SD 49
    cannot be told 1T 150-1
    characteristics of DA 462
    cherish 4T 70
    Christians should perpetuate 9T 256
    closer than that of father, mother, brother, friend, or lover DA 327
    commends itself in marvelous manner to rebellious race TM 246
    compared to: irrepressible stream 5BC 1140;SD 101;
       stream in desert Ev 638;5T 565;
    constrains men to perform acts of unselfish service CH 633
    contemplation of: cleanses soul from all selfishness CH 223
       leads disciple to deny self and follow Him CH 223
       should fill soul with inexpressible gratitude CH 222-3
    controls all His powers TM 519
    cord with which to measure CH 534
    covers multitude of sins CT 267
    cultivate 5T 565
    Daniel illustrated, to heathen in Babylon Ed 57