EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    duties of, neglected, will be charged against us FLB 216.4
    early church had waning of UL 358.5
    earthly, if truth is sacrificed for it TSB 210.2
    effects of, on actions and character OHC 175
    entire being affected by, offered by Christ OHC 73.3
    envy to be replaced by UL 79.4
    erring can be restored only in TDG 105.2
    essence of Christianity HP 31.4
    evidence of pure, is commandment keeping OHC 73.5
    expressed in good works with light and joy RC 277.6
    extended to a guilty world Mar 55.4
    faculties of mind and spirit all enlisted when led by OHC 73.3
       praises associates instead of warning them TMK 308.4
       youth protective of; corruption of Satan LYL 53.3
    family happiness produces contentment instead of restless search for HP 206.2
    feeling of, for everyone in revival meetings after 1888 3SM 182.1
    filled with,
       by looking at sufferings of Christ TMK 283.2
       to reach others; Christ’s love RC 77.3