EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
       how, is manifested SD 101
       is constraining power AA 550-1
       is like sweet fragrance SC 77
       leads one to love others DA 296
       makes itself known 5BC 1140
       manifests itself in life 2SM 237
       results of MB 58
       springs up in good works PP 412
    in hearts of believers, results of AA 71
    in man’s soul: banishes dissension and strife 1BC 1105
       banishes hatred, selfishness, and envy 1BC 1105
       natural consequence of ML 50
    in Moses’ soul made him man of dignity 4T 345
    in personal ministry may soften the stony heart COL 57;GW 185;
    in redeeming us, is dimly comprehended GC 651
    in sermons breaks down prejudice and impenitence Ev 189-90, 285
    in unselfish ministry is most effective in reforming evildoers DA 350-1
    inexpressible, manifested in giving Himself for our salvation 2T 215
    infinite, calls for most serious and solemn reflection SC 89
    infinitely more tender and self-denying than mother’s love SL 93