EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
    can become as Pharisees TM 294
    can sometimes be read, nearly as plainly as books 1T 689
    cannot effect radical change in himself by his own efforts 4T 294
    cannot explain themselves MM 92
    cannot save himself 1SM 331
    cannot understand God’s purposes 5T 701
    capable of appreciating: God’s wisdom and benevolence PP 48
       justice of God’s requirements PP 48
    capable of constant advancement 4T 93
    choice of, for positions of responsibility in God’s work 9T 264
    Christ assigns to, work of extending knowledge of His grace 9T 255
    Christ enables, to obey every divine requirement 7BC 926
    Christ endowed, with intelligence and power 8T 264
    Christ gave His life to free, from sin and to reinstate him in favor of Creator 5T 173
    Christ is without sorrow for having created MB pref. vii-viii;7T 269;
    Christ works through, to uplift and save others FE 344
    Christ’s unwearied ministry to CT 495
    church needs, for the times CM 19
    clothing worn by, on Sabbath 2SM 474-5
    condemned to life of perpetual toil and anxiety because of sin SR 40