EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
    condition of, through sin has become preternatural 8T 291
       through sin is unnatural MH 428
    confidence in, many people have lost MH 145
    contends with foes stronger than himself PP 717
    counsel and reproof given by God to, for their good TM 413
    created as free moral agent PP 48
    created for: companionship of angels COL 201
       fellowship with God Ed 124
       God’s own glory 1BC 1082
       happiness COL 290
       high and noble purposes such as engage attention of angels 4T 438
       higher and holier state of enjoyment than present world can afford 4T 438
    created to: be social being PP 46
       bless humanity and glorify God 4T 354
       express God’s thought and reveal His glory MH 415;8T 264;
       honor God and bless fellow men CT 21
       inhabit earth ML 305;SR 19;
    crowning work of God’s creative power SC 44
    cut off from direct approach to God after Adam’s fall PP 67
    danger of looking to, for help and counsel more than to God GW 414-5