EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
    hold of evil upon, only divine power can break MH 428;8T 291;
    homage not willingly and intelligently given by, God cannot accept SC 43-4
    in his mortal state, cannot endure sight of God’s glory 5T 467
    in his own strength is strengthless PK 175
    in his present state, can be heir to God’s kingdom GC 323
       cannot enter God’s kingdom GC 323
    in his sinful state, would find no joy in heaven SC 17-8
    in his sinless state, communed with God SC 17
    individually accountable to God 5T 725
    infinite value placed by Christ upon CS 136
    inhumanity of man to, greatest sin is MH 163
    innocent and holy when created PP 48
    instrumentality of, Christ superintends His work through 4T 393
    intellect alone does not make 4T 519
    intellect must be cultivated in order to make 4T 519
    intellectual perfection but little lower than that of angels may be reached by 4T 93
    intellectual power of, originally but little less than that of angels PP 50
    is (are): amenable to moral law PP 52;1SM 216;
       built up (composed) from what he eats CD 269, 322, 387, 389-90, 407
       but dust and ashes 5T 194