EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
    needs to improve constantly AH 301
    never praise, flatter, and pet Ev 494-5
    new, in Christ AA 245
    nicest and most difficult work ever committed to Ed 292
    no: appointed to be conscience for fellow man TM 477
       can form character for another FE 297
       has been appointed work of being ruler over fellow men TM 495
       has been made master to rule mind and conscience of fellow being TM 495
       is proper judge of another man’s duty TM 348
       should exalt his own judgment TM 501
    no, is absolutely independent of fellow men TM 496
    no one: has sufficient wisdom to manage gospel interest without helpers GW 481
       is authorized to order brethren arbitrarily to do as he thinks advisable TM 491
       is qualified to bear burden of God’s work alone TM 499-500
       is to be center and pattern for others Ev 105
       is to be controlling power in God’s work 7T 259
       is to be voice for whole cause of God 7T 259
       should be mind and judgment for fellow men TM 303, 491
       should be sole head of SDA institution 6T 241
       should claim to have all light there is for God’s people TM 107