EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Manner, Manners abrupt, minister who had 3T 242    [127]
    pulpit See Pulpit manners
    purity and refinement of, Christ in heart results in MB 25
    real refinement of, best obtained in school of Christ GW 283
       learned in school of Christ Ed 241
    reasoning powers given to men to educate their 4T 405
    refinement of: cultivate 2T 84
       physicians should cultivate 3T 183
       would result in winning 20 souls where one is now won 4T 68
    refining of, needed ML 92
       persons who will lose all love of WM 254
    roughness in, unbecoming to Christian SD 290
    rude, reveal character of home training CG 143
    rugged and sharp, Christianity smooths GW 122
    Sabbathkeepers coarse and rough in, cause unbelievers to regard them as degraded 1T 275-6
    sanitarium workers should not be uncouth or disagreeable in MM 173
    Satan assumes, of heavenly courts TM 333
    soften your 4T 258
    systematic training in, need of FE 108
    teachers should be refined in CT 65, 497
    true Christian’s, throw out sunshine 3BC 1156