EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mark angel places, on forehead of God’s people 5T 505    [31]
    Passover lamb’s blood as, on Israelite homes in Egypt DA 51
    placed on: forehead of souls separated from sin and sinners 5T 505
       the righteous TM 234
    Sabbath observance as See Sabbath; Sabbath observance
    seal of God as, of redemption 7BC 968
    showing that God’s people are His special possession 7BC 969
    sign that is, of allegiance to God Ev 212
    Spirit is to make, upon SDA children CG 150
    visible, seal of God is not 7BC 980
    See also Seal; Sign
    Sabbath keeping is, to be placed on God’s people HP 150.4