EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       prepares for practices outside 1MCP 223.4;TSB 87.1;
    separation in,
       accepted when spouse is determined TSB 57.2
       cause of, may be self TDG 295.3
       condoned for wife not treated fairly TSB 74
       new life after TSB 75
       not required for one who loved husband TSB 72.2
       not to be based on unbiblical marriage TSB 218
       recommended; devil-controlled spouse TSB 77
       reconciliation after years of TSB 211.4
    sexual relationships in, See Sexual privilege
    sin in,
       by using it to minister to selfish desires OHC 79.3
       covered; bodies debased by indulgence TSB 110.4
    sinful in Noah’s day because it absorbed the thoughts 1MCP 221.5
    speak kindly in HP 204.3
    sterile condition in, is not bad TSB 68.2
    suitability of partners for, opinions of others about RY 116.2
    suspicion and jealousy in HP 203.3
    sympathy outside of TSB 136.0