EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    revolting histories of 5T 366
    Satan influences persons wholly unsuited to each other to unite in 2T 248
    secret, is violation of God’s law MYP 445-6
       objections to MYP 445-6
    selfishly planned, generally turn out to be miserable failures AH 48
    Solomon’s: contrary to God’s law FE 498-9;PK 53;
       with idolatrous Egyptian princess FE 498;PK 52;
       with women of idolatrous nations 2BC 1033;PK 52-9, 88;4aSG 100;4T 508;
    that is: great disappointment AH 109-10
       sinful AH 121;2SM 423;
    that was deception of devil 2T 100
    too early in life, is detrimental to physical health and mental vigor MYP 453
    underhandedness in, evils of FE 103;MYP 447;
    unhallowed, antediluvian sons of God united with daughters of men in 5T 93
    unhappy: cause of some 5T 121-2
       children suffer as result of 2SM 421
       God would save His people from daily misery resulting from 5T 122
       great reason there are so many 3SG 111-2
       many, are result of so much haste 3SG 120
       many souls ruined by FE 500