EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       misery arising from 2SM 421
       Satan exults over 2T 248
       youth need to see danger of 4T 622
    unsanctified: filling up ranks of Sabbathkeepers 5T 122
       leading to indulgence of unbridled passions AH 53
       results of 2BC 1031
    unscriptural 4T 503-8
       breaking up 2SM 341-2
    unwise MYP 453-5;5T 105-113;
       college rules needed to guard youth from dangers of FE 62
       many souls gone to perdition as result of MYP 453
       people sell themselves into lifelong bondage by TM 85-6
       Satan entraps the unwary by 5T 105
       Satan works to drag people to perdition by 5T 124
       thousands have gone down to perdition as result of MYP 453
       unfaithfulness of husbands and wives as result of AH 53
       usefulness of many youth is ruined by AH 43
       why many youth enter into 5T 105-6
       young man about to enter 5T 106
    unwise and unsanctified, evil results of AH 53