EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medical missionary work   [365]
    SDA should have a live interest in CT 138;7T 63;
    should not be: given undue importance WM 122
       independent of conferences 6T 235;8T 187;
       managed according to any man’s own ideas 8T 169
    small companies of evangelists should do CH 501;CT 469;
    soon there will be no gospel work done in ministerial lines except in CH 533
    special line of work to be taken up 8T 168
    strange things done in, that God could not accept CH 370
    strength of God’s cause is not all to be used in 8T 166
    students should be taught how to do CH 541-2;CT 519-20;7T 232;9T 170;
    Sunday should be devoted to 9T 238
    tact needed in dealing with minds in MM 209
    talent needed in 8T 71
    talents needed in other lines of work should not be absorbed by 6T 290
    tarnish of earthliness should be cleansed from MM 24
    teachers should instruct church members in WM 123
    teamwork in, two persons should do 6T 300
    third angel’s message must not be smothered by Ev 523
    true missionaries needed in WM 239
    understood best by practicing it in simplicity MM 21