EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medical missionary work   [365]
    is true miss. work MM 256;WM 132;
    laying on of hands included in Ev 546
    means of: bringing truth to people CH 535
       finding entrance to large cities 9T 167
       overcoming prejudice 9T 211
       reaching hearts CH 499;MM 241;
    minister should show decided interest in CH 533
    ministers indifferent to 6T 299;TM 417;
    ministers should look upon, as helping hand MM 253
    ministers should strengthen, by pen and voice MM 253
    ministers should take decided and active part in 6T 301
    ministers who do not appreciate, what should be done with MM 238
    more yearning for souls needed in MM 40
    must be recognized MM 238
    outlined in gospel commission 8T 204
    part of: every church’s work 6T 289
       God’s work 6T 300
       gospel message MM 241
       great whole WM 123
    prayer is included in Ev 546