EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medical missionary work   [365]
    Christ practiced MM 123;WM 116;
    Christ qualified His servants to do, after His ascension 7T 114
    Christ’s example in, follow MM 316
    Christians may do, while sitting at table CH 577
    church members need intelligent knowledge of MM 315
    church members should help in 7T 62
    church members should take decided and active part in 6T 301
       in home and neighborhood 7T 62
    churches should engage in CH 533;WM 139, 338;
    churches should not divorce themselves from 1SM 112
    colleges should give instruction in CT 519
    colporteur(s) should be prepared to do 9T 34
    colporteur(s) should do CM 90;6T 324;
    colporteur work is to be part of 6T 323
    companies of students should be trained for CH 541-2
    conference presidents should encourage MM 240-1
    conference presidents’ duty re 8T 71
    conference workers ought to be interested in MM 241
    conduct: in Christ’s lines Ev 525
       in most prudent and thorough manner 7T 110